• 供应防爆操作柱



    ■ 铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑.
    ■ 内装万能转换开关、按钮、电流表(可按用要求 装其他仪表)、指示灯
    ■ 转换开关有30多种功能可由用户自由选择,可根据要求特制.
    ■ 万能开关操纵机构经过优化设计,可以自动找正,能保证转动灵活,无卡滞现象
    ■ 电流表量程由用户指定.
    ■ 钢管或电缆布线均可.
    ■ 产品出厂铭牌上只体现总单元内容,名分单元代号为订货参数
    ■ 符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079标准要求.
    Can be used in Zone 1and Zone 2 dangerous places.
    Can be used in IIA、IIB group explosive atmosphere.    
    型号含义 Model implication 
    总单元含义 Applicatinon of chief part  

    *单元含义 Application of first part                         第二单元 Application of second part 
    第三单元 Application of third pqrt                         第四单元 Application of third part 

    BZC51防爆防腐操作柱产品特点 Features
    ■ 铸铝合金外壳,表面喷塑.                                                            ◆ Al-alloy diecasted shell with plastic-sprayed surface
    ■ 内装万能转换开关、按钮、电流表(可按用要求                     ◆ Inside is mounted univeral changeover swith,button,ammeter(can mountother
         装其他仪表)、指示灯.                                                                          instruments according to user's requirement)and indicator,etc.
    ■ 转换开关有30多种功能可由用户自由选择,可根据                  ◆ There are more than 30 functions of changeover switch available to be chosen
    ■ 万能开关操纵机构经过优化设计,可以自动找正,能                 ◆  Can be customized according to user's requirement.
    ■ 电流表量程由用户指定.                                                              ◆  The ammeter'smeasuring range can be determinedby users.
    ■ 钢管或电缆布线均可.                                                                  ◆   Suitable for steel pipe and cable wiring.
    ■ 产品出厂铭牌上只体现总单元内容,名分单元代号                  ◆ The marker of product when ex-factory only reflect the content of chief part,
         为订货参数.                                                                                  ◆ The code of other parts is ordering parameter.
    ■ 符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079标准要求.                                      ◆  Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request.
    防爆防腐操作柱主要技术参数 Main te chnical parameters
         使用类别         额定电压(v)        额定电流 (A)        防爆标志         防护等级              防腐等级             时线口螺纹(G")        电缆外径(¢,mm)
           Using sort       Rated voltage        Rated current          Ex-mark           Protection         Corrosion-proof          Inlet's thread              Cable's outer
                                                                                                                           category            Grade
            AC-3              220/380                     10                     Exde II Bt6            Ip55                        Wf1                                1                        12-17       

    BZC51防爆防腐操作柱订货举例 Notice if ordering
    1 、一表一开关立式,开关代号为K,表量程为200/5应                            1 、One meter one switch vertictype,the code of the switch is K,one
            标注为:                                                                                                          meter the measuring range is 200/5
                       CBC51-B1K1L                                                                                                                               CBC51-B1K1L
                                    B1-1(200/5)                                                                                                                                     B1-1(200/5)
                                    K1-1A                                                                                                                                             K1-1A
    2 、二钮一表二灯挂式,表量程为100/5,指示灯为220V                            2 、Two buttons one meter pendant type,two lamps one meter,the
          红绿各1个,2个按钮规格为一常开一常闭.标注为:                                    Meas wring range is 100/5,one red indiator,one green indicator,
                      CBC51-A2B1D2G                                                                            the voltage is 220V,two bottons are 1NO+1NC.
                                   A2-2I                                                                                                                                   CBC51-A2B1D2G
                                   B1-1(100/5)                                                                                                                                       A2-2I
                                   D2-1Rd/1Gd                                                                                                                                      B1-1(100/5)       
    按钮代号 Button code
                       代号 Code                                       I                             II                               III                             IV                          V
                   防爆防腐操作柱按扭触头型式                           一常开一常闭             二常开                     二常闭                     一常开                  一常闭   
                  Form of button contact                1NO+1NO                   2NO                            2NC                       1NO                      1NC

    代号指示灯 Indicator Code
                                  代号Code              a                b              c                d                   e
                                 电压Voltage(v)    12              24            36              220                380
                                代号Code               R                 B                          Y                           W
                                颜色 Color     红色red     绿色Green         黄色 Yellow        白色 White 

    开关代号简要说明 Brief Instuction for switch code
     The code
     of switch
                      Chart of contact
                switch  旋钮位置(实践表示定位
    Rotary button's position
    real line denotes location
    broket line denotes auto-
    resetting         等效功能说明
         Instruction for
         equivalent function
          A       A.功能接线均与双按钮相同,
    Functional wiring is the
    button with auto resetting.
          B       B.功能与双按钮相同,起动复
    Functional wiringis the same as
    button with auto resetting,add
    "lock-stop"to avoid mistake operating.
         C       C.功能为2个带常开触点的按钮
    Button with 2usually-open contacts
    and auto-resetting,Suitable for
    high-voltage engine control circuit
    or function panel A. 
         D       D.小功率电源开关.
    Mini-power switch
         E       E.功能与三钮相同,控制电机正反
    Function is the same as three buttons
    buttons to control-conversion of FW&BW
    starters can auto-reset.
         F       F.选择开关,中间带停止档位.
    Selected switch with stop location in midst.
         G       G.相当于2个按钮和一个切换开关
    Be equol to mounting two buttons and one
    change-over switch in one axe.Can output
    contact signal or inspect signal beford
    startin and stopping.
          H       H,多信号逐级传送,方向任意旋转.
    Multi-signals transmit gradually
    and conbvert in random.
          I       I.在H基础上增加了总信号传送功能.
    Add function of chief-signal transmitting
    on the base of H struchurd.

           J                 J.二位进级,逐级切换.
       Change-over gradually.
          K            K,切换开关
        Change-over switch.
          L           L.三极双掷选择开关
        Selected switch with tree poles
        and two launches.
          M           M,自动,手动,起动三位置转换开关
       Change-over switch with automtion
       hand,starting.Convert to automation
       through stop location.
         N          N,与M万能结构略有不同,起动后不经停
       Little different from m universal
       structure,it don't pass stop location
       to automation location.
        O          O.起动为双触点带锁停功能,起动自复位.
       Double contacts for starting with
       lock-stopping and auto-resetting..
        P          P,停止为双触点,可分别代替A和C,起停,自
       Double contacts for stopping,to        substitude
    A and Cfor starting,stopping and abuto-resetting.
        Q           Q 停止带双触点,带锁停功能,起动自复位.
        Double contacts for stopping,the
        same as Buniversal panelwith
        lock-stopping and auto-resetting.
         R          R,起,停均带双触点,起停均自动复位,同
      Doulbe for both starting and stopping
      The same as A universal panel with
      auto-resetting when starting and     stopping.
          S       S.起停前先传送一个联络信号.
    Tramsmit a contact isgnal before
    starting and stopping.

        T               T.起,停均带锁停档位功能,避
    Equipped with lock-stop
    location when starting and stopping.
    Can't autoreset to provide mistake operation.
        U        U.为双控选择开关
    Double-control switch.
         V       V.电压换相测量转换开关.
    Change-over switch for voltage
    usually-opens,the left is as same
    as the right
        W       W.左右一样的一个正常开自复位按钮.
    One auto-reset button with
    two usually-opens,the left is
    as same as the right.
        X       X.为带2个2常开触点的自复位按钮
    Two auto-reset buttons with two
        Y       Y.为带4个常开触点的自复位按钮.
    Auto-rest button with four usually-opens..
         Z       Z.电源程序开关,中间断开,左右均接近
    Power-source programmed switch can
    cut off in between and cut in both
    the left and right which an be used
    as extinctive switch.
        a-1        a-1.用于起动,点动混合电路.
    For starting and inching the mixed
       b-1       b-1.双联动开关.
    Double starting switch.
        c-1       C-1. 急停按钮开关.
    Emergency stopping switch.

    防爆防腐操作柱 外形安装及举例 Outline example    
                    二灯一开关挂式 Two lamps one switch,pendant
                      CBC51-B1K1 G(III型)
               一表一开关挂式 One meter one switch,pendant                       CBC51-K2 G(III型)
                             二开关挂式 Two switches pendant
              CBC51-B1D2K1  G(IV型)
           一表二灯一开关挂式 One meter,two lamps one switch,pendant       CBC51-A2D2k1  G(IV型)
     二钮二灯一开关挂式 Two buttons,mtwo lamps one switch,pendant 

                CBC51-A2K1  G(II型)
           二钮一开关挂式 Two buttons one switch.Pendant         CBC51-A2D2  G(II型)
            二钮二灯挂式 Two buttons two lamps,pendant
              CBC51-A2B1  G(III型)
           二钮一表挂式 Two buttons one meter,pendant              CBC51-A2  G(I型)
                        二钮挂式 Two buttons,pendant
            CBC51-A2B1D2  G(IV型)
           二钮一表二灯挂式 Two buttons one lamp,pendant                 CBC51-k1  G(I型)
                             一天关灯挂式 One switch pendant
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浙江腾轩防爆电器有限公司 电话:19564497380 手机:19564497380 地址: 浙江省乐清市盐盘街道杨岙村凤祥路16-20号(浙江腾轩防爆电器有限公司)